Group Cleanse Reset

A gentle, safe, effective 2-week cleanse to restore & rejuvenate your body and mind.

Join us Now

Special introductory rate of $200, available for the first time as part of our brand new offer! Please take this opportunity to join us now, as prices will go up in the future.

August 15th-August 29th

Chronic fatigue
Gas & Bloating
Poor Digestion
Bad Breath
Stubborn Extra Weight
Recurring Headaches
Mood Swings
Brain Fog
Memory Problems
Joint Pain/Stiffness
Chronic Sinus Infections
Frequent Colds
Skin Rashes

If you experience...

A gentle cleanse may help...

Now imagine instead you experience...

Waking up feeling refreshed
Smooth digestion
Mental clarity
Better sleep
Clear skin
Inspired to make healthy meals
Energized throughout your day
Being in tune with your body
More ease & joy
Less pain & stiffness

Why Cleanse?

Cleansing acts as a lifestyle reset. 

Ever wanted to really change your diet, exercise, and sleep habits with the support of a group? 

Now is your chance!

As a bonus, this Cleanse Reset also serves to help you detox from heavy metals, environmental toxins and inflammation that have been stuck in your body.

Join us Now

What's Included:

Four Group Coaching Calls


  • Week 1 - August 8th: Onboarding & Prep: 60-minute preparation call designed for education, 
    Q & A, supplement ordering, and program navigation, so you feel completely prepared to get started.
  • Weeks 2 & 3 - August 15th & August 22nd: Cleanse: 60-minute coaching calls designed for support, education, and Q & A.
  • Week 4 - August 29th: Conclusion & Next Steps: 60-minute call with Dr. Sam to discuss maintenance following the cleanse, so you have long-term success.
  • Don't worry!  If you cannot attend live, you will receive the replays.
The group will be monitored by Dr. Sam's Health Coach, Krystal (a health & cleanse coach of 10 years), to answer any questions that arise during the cleanse.

The Group Cleanse Reset community is intended for:
  • Interaction & Connection
  • Recipe Sharing
  • Motivation & Inspiration
  • Support
  • Fun!

14-Day Meal Plan

Professional Supplement Discounts (10%off)

The 14-day meal plan is a clear guide for those who thrive on structure.  If you want to utilize your own healthy recipes, please do so, as long as you are within the guidelines of the cleanse program.
  • 14-day Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, meal plan that includes whole and fresh fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and protein (organic/wild-caught/grass-fed). 
  • Shopping Lists
  • Recipes (may substitute any plan-appropriate recipe to suit your taste).
This 14-day comprehensive, science-based, Cleanse Detox Program kit is perfect for our cleanse. 
  • You may choose PaleoCleanse Plus (collagen-based) or Plant Protein Cleanse (for vegetarians) at a 10% discount.
  • Single serving protein drink packets (plus vitamin, mineral, & detox support)
  • Single serving detox packets (Amino-D-Tox and Detox Antiox) for detox support.
  • Optional supplements at 10% off for specific needs, such as digestion, energy, sleep, and any detox responses.

Track Your Progress with our Easy Phone App.

Transform Stress into Freedom 

Everything in one place! Use this app for:
  • Tracking your progress (movement, sleep, elimination, weight, waste, pain index, meditation, water intake, etc.)
  • Access to the meal plan, recipes, shopping list,  and detox questionnaires.
  • Optional food diary to track what you're eating and how you're feeling.
  • Ordering supplements at 10% off!
  • *Bonus: you will also receive Inspirational text messages & reminders to keep you on track!
Our health markers are greatly influenced by stress-- in fact, no amount of supplements can make up for persistent stressors.

This self-paced online course, curated by Dr. Sam from the work of Byron Katie, teaches and empowers you to:
  • Be more emotionally and mentally resilient. 
  • Explore life from a new perspective.
  • Learn how to let go of stressful thoughts that have plagued you for days or decades.

Join us Now


Masterclass Library Includes:

Digestion Masterclass

Exercise Masterclass

Sleep Masterclass

Lifestyle recommendations are just as crucial, if not more so in some cases, as maintaining a healthy diet. That's why we are offering four additional masterclasses to help you maximize the benefits of this cleanse.

Stress Masterclass

Join us Now at the Special Launch Rate