Join the Program

Get to the root of persistent health issues, optimize your performance, and slow aging with Dr. Sam's gene testing and lifestyle change program.

Your Genes Hold the
Answers to Feeling Your Best


Find Your Ideal Diet

Improve Energy and Reduce Pain

Rewire Eating Behaviors

Understand Food Triggers

Achieve a Healthy Weight

Achieve a Healthy Weight

Find Your Ideal Diet

Improve Energy and Reduce Pain

Identify & Shore Up Genetic Fault Lines

Optimize Your Health with a Custom Guide

Enhance Vitamin D Absorption

Optimize Nutrition

Join the Program

The key to health optimization is in your genes.

No more trial-and-error. 

You shouldn’t feel stuck in a body you don’t understand. Get the map to easily make sense of your health, and the steps to adjust your lifestyle to your genetic makeup.

The key to health optimization is in your genes.

No more trial-and-error. 

You shouldn’t feel stuck in a body you don’t understand. Get the map to easily make sense of your health, and the steps to adjust your lifestyle to your genetic makeup.

Join the Program

Join the Program

The Genetics+ Program

Get the Answers to Your Optimal Health with

Resource Portal to Best Optimize Your Lifestyle for Your Genes

6 Essential Tests + a Personalized Genetics Report

Office Hours with Dr. Sam

Mapping your genes, we’ll test 6 areas that most impact daily wellbeing. You’ll see your sensitivities and needs prioritized in a custom report.

So many of our health struggles stem from the way our genes express in a poorly suited environment. When you learn how to adjust your lifestyle to suit your genes, many complaints may naturally clear up.

Join Dr. Sam for live office hours to ask questions, make step-by-step changes, and meet others in the program.

Join the Program

The Genetics+ Program

Get the Answers to Your Optimal Health with

Resource Portal to Best Optimize Your Lifestyle for Your Genes

6 Essential Tests + a Personalized Genetics Report

Office Hours with Dr. Sam

Mapping your genes, we’ll test 6 areas that most impact daily wellbeing. You’ll see your sensitivities and needs prioritized in a custom report.

So many of our health struggles stem from the way our genes express in a poorly suited environment. When you learn how to adjust your lifestyle to suit your genes, many complaints may naturally clear up.

Join Dr. Sam for one-on-one office hours and group coaching sessions, where you can get coaching to make step-by-step changes and find support in the community. 

“After 3 months, I've lost 13 kg (27 lbs), I'm in better shape physically and mentally, I quit drinking, improved my diet, and have no more panic attacks... 

Thank you! so much!"

- Alfredo S., International Entrepreneur

all from my genetics results.

A Letter from Dr. Sam...

Though I maintained the ‘perfect’ Mediterranean diet and did ‘all the right things’ for my health, I still struggled with intense joint pain, energy crashes, and poor digestion. I remember feeling totally confused, frustrated, and desperate to find answers.

When I figured out my genetics, I realized that my lifestyle and diet were exactly wrong for my gene type. 

Rather than overloading you with 25,000 genes and generic ‘health tips’... 

The Genetics+ Program targets the most essential genes (within the top 1%) that will impact your day-to-day and future wellbeing. 

You'll see exactly what changes to make, in order of priority, and you'll understand how your genes may have influenced your health outcomes in the first place.

Join this one-of-a-kind program to get to the root of optimizing your health and longevity, and address chronic concerns with a personalized DNA map.

Regular gene tests will not give you this information.

I shifted my habits each day to suit an inflammation-prone, carb-sensitive system, and before long my symptoms dissipated.

Join the Program

Before I understood my genes, I was at war with my body.

Optimize Your Genetic Expression with Personalized Testing

Will you feel your best eating a keto, paleo, high-carb, or Mediterranean diet? Your genes will tell you how to eat to feel better than ever.

There are 3 types of weight gain: inflammatory weight, hormonal weight, and caloric weight. Your genes will tell you which one(s) you're prone to and what to do about it.

You may have genetic intolerance to foods that you eat all the time... and have no idea. See the facts of your body’s needs with a map of your trigger foods.

See your ability to utilize vitamin C and Zinc, which have to do with skin health, removing toxins, and nearly every other system in the body. Learn if your genetics require additional vitamin C or Zinc for optimal function.

Vitamin D activates approximately 1,000+ genes, and greatly influences inflammation and immunity. Learn how to improve your genetic capacity to make and absorb Vitamin D.

Some cravings are not willpower-based, they’re genetic. Understand what your genes need to feel satiated and finally stop cravings.

Join the Program

Your customized report will include the following crucial information.

My Diet Matrix

1. Get Tested for 6 Key Areas via Cheek Swab

What's Inside the Genetics+ Program?

Once you select your program, you’ll go to a checkout page to purchase the non-invasive gene test. We use a unique lab in Australia, so it may take 6-8 weeks to see your results.

Get your customized report with Dr. Sam's proprietary system. You’ll see the complete and personalized picture of your genetically-based optimal diet. Finally, a science-based roadmap to eating well for your unique body.

We have two options for participation in Genetics+. In our Self-Paced option, you can learn about your genetic makeup through our education portal and implement the changes on your own. 

Our Office Hours option gives you access to weekly office hours with Dr. Sam, in addition to the educational portal.

2. See Your Optimal Diet In a Customized Report

3. Get the Support You Need to Integrate Changes

My Diet Matrix

Plus Two Bonuses:

Transform Stress into Freedom Course [How to teach the work of Byron Katie].

Bonus Content:
How to Optimize Sleep, Exercise, and More.

Our health markers are greatly influenced by stress-- in fact, no amount of supplements can make up for persistent stressors. This self-paced online bonus course, curated by Dr. Sam, teaches and empowers you to be more emotionally and mentally resilient.

The learning portal contains additional content to bolster positive lifestyle changes that support the recommendations from your genetics results. As you understand the keys to your body’s functioning, you’ll know what to do to manage your health.

Join the Program

Personalized Genetics Written Report

Online Resource & Education Portal

BONUS: Transform Stress Into Freedom
                    Online Course


Office Hours

Personalized Genetics Written Report

$47 Per Month Membership

Online Resource & Education Portal

BONUS: Transform Stress Into Freedom Online Course


$147 Per Month Membership


Live Weekly Office Hours with Dr. Sam to answer your questions.

Choose Your Path

Join Membership

Join Membership

$147 Per Month Membership

Office Hours


Join Membership

BONUS: 15%-20% off Practitioner-Level

BONUS: 15%-20% off Practitioner-Level
                     Supplements (US, NZ, Aus Only)

BONUS: 15%-20% off Practitioner-Level
                     Supplements (US, NZ, Aus Only)

Personalized Genetics Written Report

Online Resource & Education Portal

BONUS: Transform Stress Into Freedom Online Course

BONUS: 15%-20% off Practitioner-Level Supplements
(US, NZ, Aus Only)

BONUS: 15%-20% off Practitioner-Level Supplements
(US, NZ, Aus Only)

Live Weekly Office Hours with Dr. Sam

Genetics test must be purchased separately ($997)

Genetics test must be purchased separately ($997)


Live microorganisms that maintain or improve the beneficial bacteria in the body

Spore-Based Probiotic


Foods that fuel the gut bacteria and promote a flourishing microbiome

Spore-Based Probiotic


Powerful plant compounds that help maintain a healthy intestinal flora

Prickly Pear + Olive Leaf

A clinically-validated probiotic called Lactospore®, shown to improve mood, digestion, and IBS symptoms.

“Working with Dr. Shay has been as close to a one-stop shop as I could find in this confusing journey of discovering total health."

“He is super smart and connects ALL the dots in an amazing way. I went into this expecting to feel better physically, and I do. After just a few months, I was already able to lower my thyroid medication (under the supervision of my prescribing MD), because the protocol that Sam put me on helped me in such a way that I no longer need such a high dose. But what I didn’t expect to happen was that one simple process that Sam gave me, gave me back the love for my mother, my daughter, and I fell in love with my husband for the first time in 16yrs of being with him! The process he turned me on to has begun to heal the underlying resentments that cause all the other systems in my body to go askew. Sam puts it all together like I’ve never experienced. Worth every penny. ”

Eileen M.
Retired Frontline Service Professional

"At the beginning, I was a bit reluctant and skeptical.
Yet, after 3 months, I've lost 13 kg (27 lbs), I'm in better shape
physically and mentally, quit drinking, improved my diet, and
have no more panic attacks, all from my genetics results.
Thank you very much!"

Alfredo S.
International Entrepreneur

“Before I did the genetics program, I struggled with severe pain, sleep problems, high blood pressure, overweight, irritable bowel, and my cholesterol lab work was high.

"With the insights and guidance of the genetics program, I was able to drop my pain levels, improve my sleep, been off my blood pressure meds for 3 months now (with the support of my prescribing doctor to titrate me off as I was getting healthier), I started exercising regularly, lost 10 lbs., and my cholesterol lab work has remarkably improved following changing my lifestyle, nutrition, and supplements according to my genetics."

Margaret K.


How long can I expect to wait for my genetics testing results?

How long can I expect to wait for my genetics testing results?

Results will take ~6-10 weeks depending on a number of factors since we have to ship the samples to Australia. Currently, we are working on creating a US lab to drastically shorten the time to get your results. There is plenty of helpful, actionable information to do in the interim under the "preparing for your results" section of the online course.

Why is the personalized genetics written report so valuable?

It is your genetic roadmap. It is something you will have for the rest of your life, your genetics will never change and this report is something you can keep coming back to over and over as a resource for healthier / better living,

How long will I have access to the online portal?  Why is it important?

You will be able to use the online portal for six months with the option to auto-renew your subscription monthly. During this period, it is crucial to complete the curriculum and discover what insights your genes provide about your individual health requirements. The tools within this portal will empower you to take charge of your health and gain a deeper understanding of your body.

How long can I expect to wait for my genetics testing results?

Results will take ~6-10 weeks depending on a number of factors since we have to ship the samples to Australia. Currently, we are working on creating a US lab to drastically shorten the time to get your results. There is plenty of helpful, actionable information to do in the interim under the "preparing for your results" section of the online course.

Why is the personalized genetics written report so valuable?

It is your genetic roadmap. It is something you will have for the rest of your life, your genetics will never change and this report is something you can keep coming back to over and over as a resource for healthier / better living,

How long will I have access to the online portal?  Why is it important?

Minimum of 6 months, with option to auto-renew subscription monthly.
No lifetime access, what they do have are the actionable custom reports tailored to your specific genetic make up that will have for the rest of your life.

How long can I expect to wait for my genetics testing results?

Results will take 8-10 weeks depending on a number of factors since we have to ship the samples to Australia. Currently, we are working on creating a US lab to drastically shorten the time to get your results. There is plenty of helpful, actionable information to do in the interim under the "preparing for your results" section of the online course.

Why is the personalized genetics written report so valuable?

This report will show you what diet and lifestyle habits will support your genes’ most optimal expression. With the prioritized steps in your report, you can stop trial-and-error and start understanding exactly what your body needs to feel your best. No two reports are the same, and your unique results are factored into your recommended lifestyle changes for a totally personalized map to optimal health. It is your genetic roadmap. It is something you will have for the rest of your life because your genetics will never change! You can review your report as a resource for healthier living.

How is this genetics program different than 23&Me or similar options?

Other gene mapping programs typically do not include the 6 comprehensive tests provided by the Genetics+ Program. Instead, they often present a large amount of information that may not prioritize the most impactful lifestyle changes for you. These gene tests may be geared towards purposes like ancestry or specialized gene reference, rather than focusing on health improvement.

With these other options, you might receive raw data or complex interpretations that are challenging to apply to daily life. In contrast, the Genetics+ Program is specifically crafted to enhance your health. It offers a clear path to understanding your body, managing chronic conditions, and optimizing your diet and lifestyle. It serves as your all-in-one guide to eating, losing weight, supplementing, exercising, and sleeping in ways that align with your genetic makeup.

How long will I have access to the online portal? Why is it important?

How long will I have access to the online portal? Why is it important?

You will be able to use the online portal for six months with the option to auto-renew your subscription monthly. During this period, it is crucial to complete the curriculum and discover what insights your genes provide about your individual health requirements. The tools within this portal will empower you to take charge of your health and gain a deeper understanding of your body.

Why is there a 6 month minimum?

Why is there a 6 month minimum?

Throughout the six months, you can revisit your report and online portal to follow the steps outlined in your recommendations. As you deepen your understanding of your genetic workings, adjusting your lifestyle accordingly will become easier, allowing you to feel your best. This transformative learning process typically takes around three months, but we provide the extended period to maximize your opportunity for health improvement.

What is included with the office hours membership?

What is included with group coaching and live office hours with Dr. Shay?

Office hours provides weekly live video calls to ask Dr. Sam questions.  If you are unable to attend live, you can send your questions using the Google form, and he will try to answer them on the call.  Note: There is no guarantee there will be time to answer all questions submitted on a single zoom call.  You will receive all recordings of office hours calls.

Get to the root of health challenges and optimize to feel your most energized, balanced, and resilient.


Join the Genetics+ Program