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The quickest way to ruin your health is by using the healthcare strategies not actually meant for you.

Functional Testing & 10 Pillars of Health – interview on Dr. Shay’s unique system to make your health journey easier to get results.

Personalized health report

Taking Care of Mom’s Health with Dr. Sam Shay For busy and overwhelmed moms, it’s easy to think that everyone else’s needs are your #1 priority. It’s important to remember that you are also a priority and when your health soars, so does the health of your family. In this interview, I speak with Katie […]

Taking Care of Mom’s Health

Functional Genetics for Improved Bone and Overall Health The ION Panel is the most comprehensive functional test for mitochondrial function, including: Mitochondria health (including using proteins, carbs, and fats for energy), brain inflammation, neurotransmitters, liver (glutathione, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, ammonia detoxification, glycine), free radicals, amino acids, fatty acids, fat soluble vitamins, 6 minerals, and 5 toxic metals. Note: […]

How to interpret an advanced Mitochondria Panel – the most important test for your whole metabolism